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History of the province

Kurdistan province is a part of the land that was administered under the rule of the Medes. Kurds are one of the famous branches of the Aryan race that entered Iran from the east about 2000 years before Christ and migrated to the northwest and east of Lake Urmia, and researchers have no doubt that they are Aryans.

Kurds are people of Iranian origin whose language, culture and traditions are related and connected with other peoples in the realm of living of Iranian peoples. According to the inscriptions of Darius in Persepolis and Bistun of the Median government in 550 BC, it was in the territory of the Achaemenid government. In the Seljuk era and especially during the reign of Tughrel Bey, the entire mountainous region of western Iran (Kurdistan) was called Iraq Ajam. It was established, because al-Qayyim agreed with the Abbasid caliph in a charter in 437 AH. A.H. has mentioned Tughrel Bey Seljuqi as the king of Iraq.

Ata al-Malik Juvini has mentioned the Kurds' province in the description of the battle of Halakukhan Mongol to the Ismaili sect and sending them supplies and support.
It seems that Kurdistan was alienated from Iraq during the period of the Mughal ilkhans. At the beginning of the 7th century of the Hijri, Suleiman Shah, one of the Ayew Turkmens, ruled over it. Sharaf al-Dim Belisi mentions the boundaries of Kurdistan in the Safavid era and in his Sharaf Nameh by adding Lorestan Province, and in the Sharaf Nameh, he considers the land of Lorestan and the people of Lore as the same as the Kurds.

In the divisions of the Safavid era, Kurdistan was a province that was separated from Kermanshan province and included the four governorships of Khorkhora, Javanroud, Oraman and Elaka Baneh. After the constitutional revolution, according to the law approved on 14/2/1325 AH, according to the law on the formation of provinces and provinces and its instructions, Iran was divided into four states and 23 provinces in new divisions, which is Ardalan Kurdistan due to the rule of the Ardalan dynasty (one of the Kurdish dynasties). It is named after it.

In the first decision about the new divisions of the country, according to the approval letter No. 9/9/1316-1375, Shamsi Iran was divided into 6 provinces, which included the cities of Kurdistan, Kermanshahan, Gros, Bavandpod (Kalhar), Pusht Kouh and Lorestan. The area of Kurdistan province is 29137 square kilometers and has 180 kilometers of common border with Iraq in its western part.
This province is bordered by West Azarbaijan and Zanjan provinces from the north, Kermanshah province from the south, and Hamadan province from the east.
The climate of the province is relatively cold in the northern region and moderately mountainous in the southern regions and has high and dry plateaus and fertile plains such as Marivan plain, Obatu plain, Ilaq or Dehgolan plain, Qarowe plain and Kamiyaren plain.
According to the natural condition and topography of the region, the rivers of the province have special characteristics, such as the river bed being lower than the level of the adjacent lands, water rising in the spring season, unusable for sailing, etc.

These rivers enter the three basins of the Caspian Sea, Lake Urmia and Iraqi soil. The mountains of Kurdistan have formed a part of the western mountains of Iran, and the most important of them are Branan in the east of Chel Cheshme (Forty Chame) at a height of 3120 meters in the west of Diwandera - Mount Avalan at a height of 2665 meters between Gavroud and Kamiyaren, Qara Dagh Dagh in The height of 3120 meters in the north of Bijar, Gojeh at the height of 2666 meters between Dehgolan and Sanandaj, Abider Mountain at the height of 2550 meters in Sanandaj, Shahu Bozor Mountain at the height of 3325 meters which is the highest mountain of Sta.
According to the results of the general census of 1390, the population of the province was 149,3645 people, of which 99.7 percent of the population of the province are Muslims, and most of the people follow the Shafi'i religion and the rest follow the Shia religion.

The capital of Kurdistan province is the city of Sanandaj, which is located 520 kilometers southwest of Tehran, whose new foundation was founded in 1046 AH by Suleiman Khan Ardalan.
This city has a bazaar of mosques, baths, and many old buildings that contain a collection of cultural works, the most important of which can be found in Sanandaj Museum - Khaneh Kard - Darul Ahsan Mosque (complex), Khosrowabad Garden and Buildings, Mosque Wali, Old Bazaar and Sartpoule Bazaar - Rashid Qala Begi Mosque, Mirza Farajullah Mosque, Qur'an Negal, Wazir Mosque, Wakil Mosque, Sanandaj Church, Imamzadeh Pir Omar, Imamzadeh Hajar Khatoon, Qashlaq Bridge, Pasha Khan Baths, Khan, Vakil al-Malik, Dokhzineh, Asif Diwan Glass and Mansion, Ayatollah Madoukh Mansion and Garden, Amjad al-Sharaf Mansion, Moshir Divan Mansion, Central Municipal Building and Natural History Museum can be mentioned.

In this province, there are a total of 10 cities, 29 cities, 31 districts and 86 villages, and 1,697 inhabited and 187 uninhabited settlements. The cities of the province are: Sanandaj, Saqqez, Marivan, Bane, Bijar, Sarovabad, Qorveh, Kamiyaren, Divandreh and Dehgolan, each of these cities has cultural and ancient monuments, and in Marivan there is Zarivar Lake, which is the largest and only fresh water lake. It is located in Iran.

There are many pastures and tourist areas in this province, which have the best weather in spring and summer, and the beauty of its nature is famous.

Kurdish people are Aryans who migrated to this region several thousand years before Christ. The history of the Kurdish people before Islam is not very clear. In the Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, and Assyrian documents, the name of an ethnic group can be seen that is similar to the word Kurd, but the closest, both linguistically, geographically, and descriptively, is the name of an ethnic group called "Kordukhoi" which is mentioned in the book Xenophon's "war journey" has been mentioned. This people lived in the mountains and valleys between Iraq and Armenia, especially in the place that is called "Zakho" today and is located sixty kilometers northwest of Mosul in Iraq. Xenophon chased them until they reached the plains of the north and inflicted injuries on them. They were called "Kortiai", he remembers. "Strabo" and "Livy" say that these tribes also lived in Fars. As during the time of the Sassanids and early Islam, the nomads of the mountains of Fars were called Kurds. If the history of the Kurds before Islam is dark and ambiguous, their history after Islam is much clearer in the light of the writings of Islamic historians, but in this period as well, because of the Kurds in a secondary and secondary way - among the news of Islamic countries - we talk about It has been said that no complete material has been written about the history of this people in a fundamental and continuous manner, and only in the Safavid period, the first important book about the Kurdish people was compiled in Persian language, which is the "Sharfnameh Badlisi". They captured the castles and fortifications of the Kurds. In 20 A.H. When the Arab army was engaged in conquests in Fars province, Persian Kurds participated in the defense of Fasa and Darabjard. The conquest of the cities of "Zor" and "Darabaz", which were Kurdish cities, in the year 222 AH. It took place. Abu Musi Ash'ari suppressed the Kurds in the year twenty-five. In the 38th year of AH, the Kurds of Ahvaz district took the side of the Khairit in the uprising of "Kharit Ibn Rashd" against Amirul Momineen Ali (AS) and after the killing of Khairit, many of them were killed. In the year 90 AH. Persian Kurds started a revolt and this revolt was suppressed by "Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf Thaqfi". In the year one hundred and forty eight A.H. The Kurds of Mosul rose up and Abbasi Caliph Mansur sent "Khalid Barmaki" there to suppress them and he also suppressed the Kurdish rebellion. In the year 224 AH. One of the leaders of the Kurds around Mosul named "Ja'far Ibn Fahrjis" started a rebellion against Caliph Mo'tasim. The Caliph sent his famous general "Aitakh" to fight him. After a hard battle, Ayatakh killed Jafar and killed or captured many Kurds and took their emirs, women and property to Tikrit. In the year 231 AH. Kurds ran around Isfahan and Fars. One of the generals of the Turkish Caliph named "Wasif", after the victory, took nearly five hundred of them as prisoners to Baghdad. In the year 281 AH. The Arab nomads united with the Kurds in the Mosul and Mardin areas and under the leadership of "Hamdan Ibn Hamdoun" started a campaign against Mu'tazad, which led to the killing and capture of a group of them. In the year 314 A.H. During the caliphate of Al-Maqtadar Balleh and the Emirate of Nasser al-Dawlah Hamdani, the Kurds once again started a rebellion in the Mosul area. Between the years 327 and 345 AH. A person named "Dism" who was from Khawarij and had an Arab father and a Kurdish mother, by gathering the Kurds of Azerbaijan, went to war with "Almsafar" and other rulers of Azerbaijan and was finally caught and died in prison. In the fourth, fifth and sixth centuries of Hijri. "Shadadians" who were Kurds formed independent governments in the Kurdish areas. The Shadadi family was from the Rawadi tribe, and the famous Ayyubid government in Masrosham arose from this family. In the year 395 AH. Azd-Dula Dilami clashed with the Kurds of Mosul and after defeating them, he destroyed their castles and killed all the Kurdish leaders. In the year 373 AH. "Muhammad bin Ghanem" along with Barzkani Kurds started a rebellion against Fakhr al-Dawlah Deilmi near Qom, but Fakhr al-Dawlah Dilmi started a rebellion, but Fakhr al-Dawlah reached peace and reconciliation with him through Badr bin Hasnawieh, but it was not long before he sent an army. Suppressed him. Mohammad Bin Ghanem was defeated in this fight and was captured by the troops of Fakhr al-Dawlah and died in captivity. One of the important events during the reign of Sharaf al-Dawlah Daylami (372-379 AH) was his fight in the year 370. and seven A.H. It is with Badr ibn Hasnawieh in Kermanshah that led to the victory of Badr and the defeat of Sharfal Doulah. As a result, Badr ibn Hasnawieh dominated an important part of Ajam Iraq. He in the year four hundred and five A.H. He was killed by Kurdish clans called "Jorqan". Shams al-Doleh son of Fakhr al-Doleh Dimli immediately annexed his possessions to his territory. Shapur Khaswad (Khorramabad), Dinur, Borujard, Nahavand, Asadabad and a part of Ahvaz were among his possessions. Apparently, the term Kurdistan was coined by the Seljuks to distinguish the Kurdish regions from the province of Jabal Iraq, and that state included the lands between Azerbaijan and Lorestan and Part of the lands of the Zagros mountains, whose center was at first the Bahar district, eighteen kilometers northwest of Hamedan, and later Chamchamal, near today's Kermanshah. The cities of Kurdistan were not immune from murder and looting during the Mongol invasion. During the time of Timur and the Turkmens, Qaraqrionlu and Aqqrionlu, Kurdistan and Diyarbakir became the battleground of Timur's and Turkmen's troops.

Shah Ismail I - the founder of the Safavid dynasty - did not have good relations with the Kurds because they followed the Sunni religion, on the other hand, the Ottoman sultans tried to strengthen the Kurds as much as possible. During the Safavid era, the Iranian government dominated a large part of Kurdistan at that time, which included the eastern slopes of the Zagros mountains. With the formation of the Zandiyeh dynasty, for the first time in the history of Iran, a Kurdanjad dynasty came to the throne. At the end of the Zandiya dynasty, the Danbali clan, which was one of the major Kurdish clans, occupied a part of Western Azerbaijan, and the center of their government and power was the city of Khoy. In the 19th century, the Kurds in the Ottoman soil repeatedly expressed their inner desire to achieve independence. And Kurdish-speaking government formation appeared. In the year 1878, Sheikh Obaidullah Naqshbandi thought of establishing an independent Kurdistan under the support of the Ottoman government. In the year 1880 AD, his supporters captured the surrounding areas of Urmia, Saujbalag, Maragheh and Miandoab, and the Iranian troops were able to repulse their aggression with difficulty. The presence of the allied forces in Iran and the support of the Soviet Russian government formed the People's Republic of Kurdistan with Mahabad as its center. After the complete evacuation of Iran from the allied forces and the sending of the central government army to the regions of Azerbaijan and Kurdistan, this rebellion and the resulting republic also fell apart.

General information

Kurdistan province with an area of 29,000 square kilometers, which is 8.1% of the country and ranks 18th among the provinces of the country, is located in the west of Iran and from the north to West Azarbaijan and Zanjan provinces, from the south to Kermanshah province, from the east It is limited to Hamadan and Zanjan provinces and from the east to Iraq.
The province has 10 counties, 29 cities, 31 districts and 86 villages, and 1,697 inhabited and 187 uninhabited settlements. Baneh, Bijar, Saqqez, Sanandaj, Divandara, Kamiyaran, Qorveh, Marivan, Sarovabad and Dehgolan are among the most important cities of the province.

Culture of Kurdistan

Kurdistan province is one of the Kurdistan provinces in the west of Iran, the majority of the residents of this province are Kurdish speakers who speak different dialects. About the Kurdish language, anthropologists are of the opinion that the Kurdish language is one of the languages of the Indo-European and Iranian group.

The Kurdish language has various dialects in the province of Kurdistan, as well as in the provinces of Alam, Kermanshah, Hamedan, West Azerbaijan and North Khorasan, and other countries, but the most important, the most spoken, or in other words, the official and literary dialect of the two branches of Kermanji and Surani, the branch Sorani is a common dialect in written literature in Kurdistan province. The religion of the people of Kurdistan is Islam and the majority of them follow the Sunni and Shafi'i religions, the dominant way of life of the people in this province is traditional and with an ethnic identity. The existence of about 1900 villages in the province shows the people's love for nature and agriculture.
Based on the historical evidence, the Kurds are of the Aryan race, who came from the shores of the Caspian Sea to the Zagros Mountains in the first millennium BC, and defeated the power of the Assyrians in Nineveh, the Median Empire in the seventh century BC. They founded in Iran.

Population and manpower

According to the latest census of Iran Statistics Center in 2010, Kurdistan Province has a population of 149,3645 thousand people, of which 66% are urban and 34% are rural. The relative population density is equal to 51.2 people per square kilometer.
Out of 1,436,680 thousand people aged 6 and above in the province, 77.56% are literate, and this ratio is 83.11% in urban areas and 70% in rural areas. The province's 10-year-old and older working population is 420,000 people, of which 27.50% are in the agriculture sector, 24% in the industry sector, 40.3% in the service sector, and 8.2% have unspecified and undeclared activities.

Tourist attractions of the province

Due to its long historical background rooted in the depths of Iran, Kurdistan province shines like a jewel in the vastness of Iran due to its beautiful geographical area and has historical, cultural and natural attractions.

Historical and cultural attractions

It shows the antiquity and greatness of Kurdistan province with the works left from ancient times, which are mentioned below.

A- Historical works before Islam

The ancient hill of Ziviyeh is located 55 kilometers southeast of Saqqez city.
Karfto cave in 72 kilometers of Saqez city
Tangiyur inscription, which is located 25 kilometers west of Kamiyaran city, the above works belong to the pre-Islam era and are 2 thousand years old.

B- Historical works after Islam
Darul Ahsan Mosque (1227 AH - AH)
Dar al-Aman Mosque, which belongs to the Qajar era and is located in Sanandaj.
Asif Al-Diwan mansion belonging to the Safavid era
Tomb of Babagargar in Qorve city and many other works

The main religious rites and ceremonies of Kurdistan province are as follows:

1- Pir Shaliar ceremony

It is one of the most magnificent and rare celebrations in the region, which is extremely important due to its attraction and unique features. The venue of this ceremony is Oraman village and it is held every year between the 10th and 14th of Bahman. Pir Shaliar was a Zoroastrian sage who was highly respected by the Kurds.

2- You did music and dance

The type of music of Kurdistan province is happy and heartwarming, and because of the joy and happiness it creates in people, it makes them dance and dance. The most famous dance of which is "He Lepe Reki" which is rooted in the beliefs of Mithraism and love worship.

3- Mysticism and Sufism

There are two major sects of Sufism in Kurdistan province, 1- Qadiriyya and 2- Naqshbandiyya

Qadiriya method is included by the disciples of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani (Ghouth Gilani). The followers of this tariqa believe that understanding the truth and reaching the truth is in Qil and Qal Samaa, and with the posture of the women, they move their heads forward and back in a special position and go to the world of attraction and make every viewer their mania. There are nearly 60 monasteries in the province, where the program of dhikr and sama is held every week.
Naqshbandi method: the founder of this method is the great Khwaja Maulana Bahauddin Muhammad Naqshband Bukharai. The promoter of this tariqat in Kurdistan is Maulana Khaled Naqshbandi. The followers of this tariqat believe in meditation and silence to attain the truth and understand the truth, and unlike the Qadiriyya tariqat, they avoid gossip and hearsay.
natural attractions

natural attractions

With its unique climate, Kurdistan province has a beautiful biodiversity (plants and animals). The climate of the province has the characteristics of cold temperate climate. The presence of heights and deep valleys and the western wind have created rich, diverse and beautiful vegetation in Kurdistan.
The most important resorts of the province are as follows:

Zarivar natural lake, Marivan city
Shahid Kazemi dam
Vahdat Dam (Qashlaq)
Qezel Ozen River, which originates from Chihl Chashmeh mountains.
Qeshlaq river, which originates from the northern heights of Sanandaj city
Sirvan river, which enters Kermanshah province after receiving waters from the south-west and the center of the province.
Babagargar spring, eighteen kilometers north of Qorve city
Gawaz Spring, 50 kilometers northwest of Kamiyaran

Due to its bioclimatic features, Kurdistan has plant and animal biodiversity, each of which has extraordinary attractions.

Agriculture of Kurdistan

Most of the province is located on the Zagros mountain range, and for this reason, it has special conditions in terms of climate, and there are different forms of land, including high mountains, deep valleys, hilly plains, plateaus, and lowlands in this province. has it . Dry to dry cold climates in the province with an average rainfall of 250 mm (Bijar) to a moderate semi-humid climate in the west of the province with an average rainfall of about 800 mm (Marivan) are found in the province. The eastern and central regions of the province are affected by the climate of some central regions of Iran and the western regions are affected by the Mediterranean climate, which is confirmed by the presence of Mediterranean elements with adequate rainfall. So that the mentioned weather has caused the presence of oak forests in this area, but the eastern areas of the province have steppe cover.
Most of the western areas are mountainous and often covered with natural forests, and in the eastern areas of the province there are flat lands, plains and relatively large plateaus.
Of the area of the province, 49.6% is equivalent to 1400 thousand hectares of pastures, 11.3% is equivalent to 320 thousand hectares of forest and 39.1% is equivalent to 110 thousand hectares of agricultural land.

Capabilities and advantages of agricultural sector development
The presence of sufficient water resources in the province
The existence of sufficient soil resources in the province
Adequate rainfall in the province
Rich and abundant pastures
Various plant and animal genetic resources in Etan and unique such as goats, chickens, Kurdish horses
Rural population with balanced distribution in rural areas
The possibility of creating conversion industries to increase added value
Existence of suitable climatic conditions for the development of rainfed gardens
High production capacity of milk and red meat in the province
The presence of specialized and educated agricultural workforce in the province
The existence of fertile plains, including Marivan plain, Qorve plain and Bijar plain

The province has 6 water resources areas, Sirvan, Qezal Ozen, Zarineh Rood, Simine Rood, Raz Avar, Zab and numerous rivers, and the total water resources of the province are about 8.7 billion cubic meters, which is 17% of the water resources of the province. Vector is placed.

The general state of agriculture in Kurdistan province

Based on the comprehensive studies of economic and social development of Kurdistan province, the land units that are suitable for irrigated agriculture under the condition of water supply have an area of about 5400 thousand hectares, the land units for rainfed use are 720 thousand hectares, and 1800 thousand hectares have been determined for pasture land, and the pasture land is about 1400 thousand hectares and the forest is about 320 hectares, the mentioned figures show that the province has 1.26% of irrigated land and 9.46% of the country's total land, compared to other provinces, it ranks 18th in irrigated agriculture. And in rainfed cultivation, it has the second rank and 860 thousand tons of crops are produced annually, which is equivalent to 1.85% of the country's total production.
23 thousand hectares of the province's lands are dedicated to the cultivation of permanent crops (24th in the country) and about 100 thousand tons of crops are produced, which is equivalent to 1.85% of the country's total production.
The main agricultural products of the province include cereals, legumes, fodder plants and potatoes and garden products such as grapes, strawberries, walnuts and other garden products for cold regions. Due to its high quality, the strawberry of Kurdistan province has a special position in the domestic markets of the country, and due to its organic nature, it can have a special position in non-oil exports.
Development of cultivation of horticultural crops, especially dry crops in sloping lands with no agricultural potential in Baneh and Marivan cities, which have significant rainfall, is one of the other characteristics of horticulture in the province.
The use of agricultural machinery is almost limited and in general about 85% of agricultural activities in the province are mechanized or semi-mechanized and the current mechanization rate is 51%.
The total livestock of the province is 2,300,000 heads, 38% of which are sheep and lambs, 12% of goats and goats, 44% of cows and calves, and 6% of them are monogamous animals. Also, with about 3.5 million livestock units, the province has a density that is twice the level of the country.

Industry and mining department of the province

Kurdistan province can grow and develop in terms of having good potentials including water, soil and mines in the field of industrial production. The province has significant reserves of minerals and decorative stones with a wide variety of colors are the most prominent mineral in the region. Currently, the province has 138 active mines with more than 8.4 million tons of annual extraction and employment of 1,350 people.


Currently, three gold spots have been identified in the province by the Geological Survey, one of which is being extracted and exploited by a foreign company.
Government investment with the participation of the private sector in mining activities, establishment of industries related to mining, especially in the field of metallic and non-metallic minerals, training of skilled manpower and emphasis on detailed discoveries in the field of identification of metallic deposits and non-metallic minerals, including policies And there are specific executive policies to achieve the province's development goals in the mining sector.
Kurdistan province is one of the undeveloped industrial provinces, despite the mineral reserves and climatic conditions, and the industry of the province ranks 26th in the whole country. Currently, the facilities and relative advantages of the province such as climate, gas, electricity, abundance of labor force, the growth of higher education centers in the province, provision of infrastructure services in industrial towns and credits and facilities to investors play a significant role in improving the process of industrial development. The province performs.



The province is very diverse and has a long history, the most important of which are carpet weaving and fine work, carpet weaving, textiles, silk weaving, and local ornaments.

Commercial potential of the province

Due to its proximity to the 230-kilometer common border with Iraq, the presence of ethnic and cultural similarities, and the kinship relationship between the citizens of the two countries, and being located in the transit route of the south and northwest of the country, Kurdistan province has potential capacities and capabilities. Also, the existence of 3 active border markets in the cities of Baneh, Marivan and Saqqez, the existence of 13 border cooperatives with a population of about 280,000 people, the existence of commercial banks capable of international business operations, the existence of insurance institutions and a network of local and extra-regional markets with high potential. has for exporting and importing goods.